Faye has been a been a member of UVG for 4 years and has have performed with the UVG many times over the past few years, including all 3 Wedgewood room gigs. She is currently at secondary school, studying GCSE music, drama and dance; three subjects that she is passionate about. Faye has a particular interest in vocal technique and has had the opportunity to shadow Sally our ‘Sing Safe’ tutor on her One to one sessions with other members of the UVG.
Faye says…
“I have had so many memorable moments with UVG and it would be very hard to pick just one, but I think performing at the NHS Trust’s Christmas Function at the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, where I shared the solo with Amba was the best! My ambition is to carry on studying for my LCM Musical Theatre Diploma which will give me the ability to coach and teach other aspiring singers. The UVG has made me as a person more confident, in singing and being around new people. I’ve made friends that I hope will remain after UVG. Without UVG I would never have experienced some of the amazing things I have in the last few years, it’s like a massive family and I enjoy every single moment and performance with UVG.”