Jess has been a member of the UVG for 3 and a half years and has performed several times with the group including a performance of her own own composition at one of our showcase concert at the Wedgewood Rooms. Supported by UVG Tutors Jess wrote and recorded the song and gained an understanding of the processes involved in creating new material. Jess recently had a successful audition for the UK unsigned competition and will be working hard over the next few months to hopefully advance through to the regional finals and beyond! She is also studying Beauty Therapy at College and hopes to qualify as a beauty therapist and hopefully open her own salon whilst also pursuing her career as a singer.
“My favourtie moment with UVG was when we performed at the Wedgewood Rooms at Christmas it was an amazing experience and helped me with my confidence. My aspirations for the future would be to sing professionally and I work as hard as I can to prove I am able to become one. UVG has been important to me because it has built my confidence up to sing in front of people. My sessions with Sally have improved my technique massively and I now feel confident to sing more challenging songs and can really hear the difference in my voice. I have also met lots of new people who are now my friends. I wouldn’t change UVG and it has turned me into a happy, more confident person