Olivia started coming to The UVG when she was just 9 initially just to watch her big sister! She loved it so much that she stayed and remains one of the group’s strongest singers. She has grown in confidence over the years and now regularly performs at events for her school in addition to singing with The UVG. Olivia has a passion for singing and performance but also understands the need to have solid qualifications behind you and works hard at her studies in school.
Olivia says…
“I have been a member for 6 years and I can’t count how many performances and shows I’ve done since but it’s a lot! I am in year 9 at school so when I have the opportunity to pick my GCSE options at school, I will definitely choose music and drama. Myy favourite moment with UVG was when I had had the chance to sing at the House of Commons. This was brilliant because I was so young and I had an opportunity that most singers starting out wouldn’t have. My plans for the future are to be a singer/ songwriter and an actress and I would love to release my own album. UVG is really important to me because everyone is like family. I get to take part in the things I love with some of my closest and best friends. UVG has given me a lot of confidence in not just my singing but also in my performance.”