The Urban Vocal Group are approaching the end of the project 'Never Had They Ever' and the progress/ commitment is outstanding. So far, the young people have researched their chosen topics, used their research to create an original composition, professionally recorded the original compositions and are awaiting the CD's & learning resource pack to be distributed. The young people are very enthusiastic to share professionally recorded songs with the public.
After a visit to the Historic Dockyard, the young people were able to visualise what life would have been like back in 1914-1918 for women. They were learning a lot about the differences from then and now, this brought a realistic twist to their research and songwriting.
The project is running smoothly and The UVG were very proud to see the young people performing their research through their new songs at Explosions Open Day in Gosport.
One of the participants said "I cannot wait to show people my song and help them realise how much women did in the war".
"Send me letter, tell me you care Promise me you will not disappear I’m scared of growing older Knowing you’re no longer my soldier" - Song lyrics from HLF participant
"This heritage and stories of women who lived in Portsmouth during the First World War has huge value as it shows that anything is possible, and inspires me to do well and follow my beliefs.” - HLF Never had The Ever participant

"Temporary men is what we called, You’re not cut out for all this violence and war, Temporary men is what they all say. What I am doing here today?" - Song lyrics from HLF participants