Chloe has been a member of UVG since for 3 years in which time she has developed the skills and confidence to sing solo’s and duets. She is a keen student of guitar and has ambitions to write and record her own material. Chloe is looking forward to her first studio session in April where she will learn about the processese involved in recording a lead vocals and harmonies. She also hopes to film the eperience and use it as evidence towards her BTEC qualificiation.
Chloe says…
” I joined UVG on my 11th birthday and I just couldn’t wait to get started. Whilst being with the group I have gained confidence and made new friends. My favourite moment at UVG is when we performed at the Wedgewood Rooms in Southsea, this was my first solo performance and it was a really great experience. At the moment in school I am studying Music (Btech), and media as I am interesting in how the videos are made.
When I was little I always wanted to be a pop star just like most little girls dream of, but as I’ve grown up I have realised its not about popularity but about doing what I enjoy doing and UVG has really helped me with this. UVG is very important to me because it helps boost my confidence with performing and I don’t only get to sing with a phenomenal singing group but I get one-to-one singing lessons wwhich also helps with my confidence.”