Victoria has been attending The UVG for almost a year. In that time she has performed with the group at The Wedgewood Rooms and is currently completing her Bronze Arts Award. Victoria has always had an interest in singing and initially attended a pilot session ran by The UVG in 2009 for younger singers. Victoria’s life took a dramatic turn in 2010 when she suffered a brain hemorrhage which initially caused paralysis down one side of her body and also left her partially sighted. Victoria spent 5 ½ months in hospital rehabilitating. With determination, enthusiasm and the support of her parents and hospital staff she worked hard to improve her strength and to ‘get her life back’. She now has limited use of the left hand side of her body and continues to work hard at improving her physical strength.
In December last year whilst undergoing tests it was discovered that Victoria was dyslexic and also has a slow growing benign brain tumor. This is not affecting her health but it will continue to be closely monitored by her Doctors. In typical Victoria style she looks at the positive side of life and continues to be enthusiastic about singing and performing.
Victoria says…
“I love to sing and wanted to learn to sing properly, but I am shy. I learnt about The UVG and decided to find out more. What I learnt is that they are a singing group that gives you the opportunity to sing and have fun with young people of like mind; they believe that everyone has a singing voice and should be given the chance to find it and improve it. They also teach you how to sing without harming your voice. I am learning to better my singing, perform in public and be more confident within myself; I am able to do this with the help of The UVG tutors who encourage us all to do our best and to encourage each other. I am just an ordinary girl with some extra needs who is enjoying singing with the members of The UVG.”