In November 2017 The UVG secured funding from Youth Social Action to run a young persons led radio show. Express FM supported UVG by providing training, advice and practical experience of running a radio show covering a variety of topics including pre-production, interview techniques, editing and presenting. The first of 5 shows was aired on May 2018 with the final one being broadcast in February 2019.
Over the period of the project we had a team of 12 young people aged 14 - 20 plan and run the show mentored by both UVG and Express FM staff. They took on a series of roles including: editing, researching, presenting, marketing and interviewing, resulting in the production and broadcast of 5 radio shows on local Express FM. The young people gained a real insight into the challenges of working within a team to a deadline and the importance of communication. They also gained a greater understanding of the technical issues such as editing content to fit in with show timings. Confidence in the young people visibly improved over the period of the project particularly those who recorded interviews and voice overs or presented.
"I loved being involved in this project because I listen to the radio a lot and it was really interesting to find out what goes on behind the scenes and how to run a smooth station. I learnt more about how a radio station runs and what is needed to get it to sound good on air. Not only do I love the radio, I love UVG so combining the two was great" - Georgina 18 (Linked producer)
"Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity. I never thought I would have the confidence to do present one show never mind 5, but i did and i loved it!" - Natalie 17 (Linked Presenter)
"On behalf of the Linked team I would like to thank Mason Jordan and the team at Express FM for their advice, expertise and support throughout the project. We would also like to thank Youth Social Action for the opportunity to gain new skills and become more confident" - Lauren aged 20 (Linked Project manager)
Interviews from the shows can be listened to again by clicking the links below:
- Linked Show 1
- Linked Show 2
- Linked Show 3
- Linked Show 4
- Linked Show 5

"It was a pleasure to work with the UVG, seeing the young people's growth in confidence and skill set was so rewarding. They continually put in effort to be creative and personable which are two key ingredients in making radio. I'm proud of their achievements collectively and separately." - Mason Jordan (Trainer / Express FM presenter)

"From a fairly young age I remember watching TV shows about radio hosts and I always wondered what it was like to be one. When the radio project came up at UVG it sounded really exciting so I applied for the presenter role and I thought they wouldn’t give me the presenter role because I am such a shy person, but UVG gave me a shot, and I am so grateful for it. The radio project was such a brilliant and unique experience because how many young people can say they’ve even been on the radio show? I’m so grateful for such an amazing experience because I’m quite shy, so radio was nice because I didn’t have the audience staring back at me. I’ve learned so much about how radio works and about myself as a person and I wish to somehow get involved with radio in the future, thank you UVG, for letting me live out one of my wildest dreams and for giving me such an amazing opportunity, I’m eternally grateful" - Natalie 17 (show presenter)